Sunday, March 20, 2011


Following the announcement that AT&T has agreed to acquire T-Mobile USA for $39 billion, T-Mobile has released some new information including some questions and answers. Before we get to the juicy stuff, here’s what is important for current T-Mobile customers. T-Mobile will still remain “T-Mobile” and will be an independent company. Your billing will also remain exactly how it is today and T-Mobile will be your biller.

Now onto what we have been waiting for: is T-Mobile USA getting the iPhone? Well, many figured this would be the case seeing the early acquisition information made it seem like AT&T would be adding T-Mobile’s phone lineup and vice versa. T-Mobile is saying not so fast on the iPhone and “we do not offer the iPhone.” But hey, they did leave us some nice hints to bite on:

"T-Mobile USA remains an independent company. The acquisition is expected to be completed in approximately 12 months. We do not offer the iPhone. We offer cutting edge devices like the Samsung Galaxy S 4G and coming soon our new Sidekick 4G"

Upon restating that T-Mobile is staying indepdent, meaning they want people to know the AT&T iPhone 4 won’t magically start working on T-Mobile, they state the acquisition will complete in 12 months. What happens in around 12 months? The reveal of the sixth-generation iPhone if Apple follows their summer upgrade tradition (which they likely will).

Now that the aqusition will hopefully be said and done by June 2012, why would Apple leave T-Mobile out of the iPhone mix? Why would T-Mobile’s statement even mention that 12 month completion period if they’re simply saying they don’t carry the iPhone? Around that time AT&T’s faster networks will be covering much of the USA, too, – and so will global 4G networks. What stops Apple from pumping out a 4G-world-capable iPhone 6 for 2012? Count us in!

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